Saturday July 27, 2024 08:00  EST

PST Members

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Name :

Soraya  Punchai
โสรญา   พันธ์ชัย
Degree : Master degree
Affiliation : Biochemistry faculty of medicine
Member ID : S65-0326 // Student (valid until Jul 29, 2023)
Name :

Phisit  Sintusen
พิสิทธิ์  สินธุเสน
Degree : B.Sc.
Affiliation : Department of biochemistry, Faculty of medicine, KhonKaen university
Member ID : S65-0325 // Student (valid until Jul 29, 2023)
Name :

Nopkamol  Kanchananhgkul
นพกมล  กาญจนางกูร
Degree : B.Sc. (Biochemistry and Molecular Biology)
Affiliation : Department of biochemistry, Faculty of medicine
Member ID : S65-0324 // Student (valid until Jul 27, 2023)
Name :

Warapan  Panchai
วราพรรณ  พันธุ์ชัย
Degree : M.Sc.
Affiliation : Biochemistry
Member ID : S67-0330 // Student (valid until Jun 20, 2025)
Name :

Tariga  Sritrakarn
ทาริกา  ศรีตระกาล
Degree : B.Sc.
Affiliation : Biochemistry and Electrochemistry research unit
Member ID : S67-0329 // Student (valid until Jun 20, 2025)
Name :

Chonlada  Mano
ชลลดา  มะโน
Degree : Ms.c (Parasitology)
Affiliation : Department of Parasitology, Faculty of Medicine, Chiang Mai University
Member ID : S65-0323 // Student (valid until Jul 11, 2023)
Name :

Thanyapat  Wanitchanon
ธันยภัทร  วณิชชานนท์
Degree : Ph.D (Biomolecular Science and Engineering)
Affiliation : VISTEC
Member ID : S65-0322 // Student (valid until Jul 04, 2023)
Name :

Panupong  Mahalapbutr
ภาณุพงศ์  มหาลาภบุตร
Degree : Ph.D. (Biochemistry and Molecular Biology)
Affiliation : Department of Biochemistry, Faculty of Medicine, Khon Kaen University
Member ID : L65-0198 // Life-time
Name :

Sasikamon  Khophai
ศศิกมล  ค้อไผ่
Degree : M.Sc. Medical Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
Affiliation : Biochemistry program, school of chemistry, Institute of Science, Suranaree University of Technology.
Member ID : S65-0321 // Student (valid until Jun 12, 2023)
Name :

Kanokwan  Lowhalidanon
กนกวรรณ   เลาหลิดานนท์
Degree : Ph.D (Biochemistry)
Affiliation : Biochemistry-Electrochemistry Research Unit, School of Chemistry, Institute of Science, Suranaree University of Technology
Member ID : L65-0197 // Life-time

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