Tuesday October 22, 2024 15:49  EST

SEA COAST Crystallographic Workshop 2020 @Sci-Connect, KMUTT, Thailand (Jan 21-29, 2020)

If you are interested in macromolecular X-ray crystallography (MX), this is a great opportunity for you!

Department of Chemistry, KMUTT is organizing the 2nd Crystallographic workshop South-East Asian Crystallographic Overview And Systematic Training (SEA COAST 2020). The workshop will cover fundamental concepts of MX and all aspects of the structure solution process (Crystallization, Data collection theory, Beamline facilities, Data processing, Phasing, Refinement, Model quality & validation, etc.) 19 experts from around the world will be giving lectures in the workshop!

Selected applicants are welcome to bring their own unresolved crystallographic data (optional) to work one-on-one under the guidance of the software developers.

FEATURED SOFTWARE: CCP4, Global Phasing, Phenix, SHELX, ARCIMBOLDO, ARP/wARP, Auto-Rickshaw, Coot, DIALS, MOSFLM, PISA, Phaser, XDS, etc.

ELIGIBLE APPLICANTS: Graduate students, postdoctoral researchers, and more established young scientists both from academia and industry.

**On-line application is now open until November 30, 2019.
The SEA COAST committee will select 30 applicants to participate in the workshop. The selection results will be announced on December 6, 2019.

If you are interested, please visit http://seacoast.kmutt.ac.th/ for more details.

Any additional questions, please contact Dr. Leela Ruckthong (leela.ruc@mail.kmutt.ac.th) or Dr. Ruslan Sanishvili (sannukri@gmail.com).

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