Wednesday February 12, 2025 10:11  EST

          A Protein Research Network Symposium, organised by Professor M.R. Jisnuson Svasti, was held at the Chulabhorn Research Institute Congress Center, 22-23 September 2005. The meeting was supported by the Thailand Research Fund, the Chulabhorn Research Institute, the Faculty of Science, Mahidol University, and the Biochemistry & Molecular Biology Section of the Science Society of Thailand.
This meeting had the objective of bringing together protein scientists in Thailand, and is a follow up of the symposium four years ago. The meeting exceeded expectations, and was attended by as many as 396 registered participants (including staff and students), almost double the 201 participants, attending the previous meeting. Participants this year came from more 16 institutions, including Mahidol University, Kasetsart University, NSTDA/BIOTEC, Chulalongkorn University, Thammast University, Suranaree University of Technology, Khon Kaen University, Prince of Songkhla University, Chulabhorn Research Institute. Nareuan University, King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi, National Institute of Technology, Srinakarintrwirot University, Silpakorn University, as well as from companies.

          The scientific program covered three broad areas: Structure & Function of Proteins and Enzymes; Proteins and Enzymes in Systemic Biochemistry; Proteomic Research in Thailand. Oral presentations included consisted of 2 Keynote Lectures (Drs. Suthat Fucharoen and Wanpen Chaicumpa), 3 Special Lectures (Drs. Jisnuson Svasti, Supa Hannongbua, and Pornswan Wasant), as well as 22 Invited Lectures. Interestingly, of the Invited Lecturers, there were two overseas scientists from Austria (Dietmar Haltrich and Bernd Nidetsky) and four young Ph.D.s who graduated less than 2-3 years ago. Other important activities included the Poster Session and Exhibition. Some 60 posters were presented, and several prizes were awarded to students. Twelve companies supported the meeting by exhibiting equipment and supplies related to protein science, and there was good interaction between companies and participants.

          The excellent attendance at the Protein Research Network Symposium 2005 indicated that there is much nationwide interest in protein science throughout Thailand, and was partly the stimulus for establishing the Protein Society of Thailand.

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