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Symp. Announcement
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Symposium Program
Abstract                     >
Important Deadlines
  • The poster should be readable from at least 5 feet away.
  • The figures and tables should be clear and the contents of the poster should be understandable by reading.
  • Do not overload the poster as more material may mean less communication.
  • The dimension for each poster (w x h) is 90 cm x 120 cm.  Posters accepted will be assigned a number.  Please consult the Symposium program for the time for poster set up and teardown.  Double-sided tape for mounting the posters will be provided.  NO PINS will be allowed for poster set-up.
  • Authors presenting posters are requested to be available for answering the questions during the poster display.  Please consult the Symposium program for the time for poster display

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